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Showing posts from 2006


rec·og·ni·tion - Noun 1. an act of recognizing or the state of being recognized. 2. the acknowledgment of achievement, service, merit, etc. 3. the expression of this in the form of some token of appreciation: This promotion constitutes our recognition of her exceptional ability. 4. formal acknowledgment conveying approval or sanction Let's not forget heading into this new year how important recognition really is. The need for personal recognition is innate in all humans, and is something unique to our species. When a fawn walks for the first time, it does not look to it's mother for approval, rather it starts frolicking on its new found sturdy legs. Humans, when striving to achieve, look to others for approval and use this approval to motivate them to try harder. Kids who play youth sports may not necessarily seek the recognition, though the more they get recognized the more they strive to try harder and be their best. A game winning home run would not be nearly as ...


Bux-Mont Awards now has their Own Blog We are proud to announce the opening of the Bux-Mont Awards blog. Here you will find news you can use about everything Bux-Mont Awards has to offer. We are here to recognize achievements, and this blog will be a resource for our customers that will help them achieve those goals. New products, helpful hints, tips, and news will be displayed here. Please check out our website at for ordering information and our catalogs.