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Showing posts with the label particpation awards

Proper Participation Awards Etiquite

I don't think that giving participation awards is wrong. I think that when most people say they can't believe clubs give participation awards they mean they can't believe their youth sports organization is giving participation awards to the wrong people. Particpation awards can and should be given. That said, how participation trophies and awards are given and presented determines how effective they are. Bux-Mont Awards does not recommend giving participation awards to high school athletes. We do, however, recommend giving participation awards at the lower levels of youth sports. As most parents can attest, at the earliest levels, participation in youth sports can be a challenge. The levels of efforts needed to ensure success at that age is great. Just getting through the rigors of trying to get in the fundamentals of any sport at such a young age is rough for all involved parties. While it is often most challenging for the parents and the coaches, it is also a chall...

Tuesday Basketball Trophy Special

MRF03- 4 1/4" Painted Basketball Resin This unique basketball resin is a great inexpensive way to recognize youth sports participation. Painted in gold and orange this resin basketball trophy is just one of many unique items we offer at Bux-Mont Awards. While we are working on bringing them to you on the web, we currently have them available on order and can provide samples on request. Pricing follows: Special Basketball Pricing: 1-99 pcs. $3.50 99+ pcs. $2.50 Special good through the end of January. Mention this blog to take advantage of special pricing!