The youth sports banquet is often times the last chance a team has to get together at the end of the season. When done properly end of season banquets reinforce the overall goals of youth sports organizations. Things like hard work, team work, effort, practice, and leadership are all reinforced here. Most importantly though kids learn that the team they practiced and built bonds with throughout the course of the s eason really helped them to learn to have fun, win or lose, and to also try to get better each and every day. Learning that nothing comes easy is a tough lesson that can be made easier through participation in youth sports, and the year end banquet can help reinforce the good times and the benefits of the struggle and growth throughout the year. A great way to help ensure your banquet is successful is to have a coach or team mom come up and say some words about something special that happened to the team throughout the season. A highlight real playing during dinne...