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Showing posts with the label sports awards

What trophies are

Trophies are mementos to be treasured forever. They could be awarded for certain accomplishments, or a memento of membership, or a souvenir from an event. Trophies as awards are especially common for scholastic, sporting and office achievements. Academic awards are given in the form of trophies for different classes and subject proficiencies. Trophies for sporting achievements are the most popular. Games like tennis, football, basketball, cricket and golf all have coveted trophies. No one can forget the pictures of sportsmen weeping with joy and clutching their hard-earned trophies. Trophies are sometimes given for achieving business targets or for attending training programs. They are also given to members of elite clubs and organizations. Trophies can be different in make and design. Some companies offer custom trophies, which are exclusively designed trophies for particular events, people and occasions. For example, the Oscar is custom-made for the Oscar awards. Materials to choos...

Recognizing Acheivement to Build a Better Event

This is a fact. Recognizing achievement helps make your event complete, engages your participants in a new way, and leads to greater participation in future events. The reasons for this are complex but it boils down to our needs to be recognized for what we do. The greater the recognition of the event the greater the urge to participate and to succeed. This is true in businesses, in sports, and in life in general. Think about it, people who are passionate about acting tend to become actors. They have the drive to succeed. They see the recognition other stars get and that propels them to strive to perfection in order to gain entrance onto that stage. The same is true of successful sales people, who are usually looking for monetary compensation. Recognizing their achievements other, non monetary ways, often times will cause a greater bond to build between a company and its sales force. Which company would you want to sell for, company A who only gives a monetary performance bas...