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Showing posts with the label MLB

Our towns, our teams.

If you are anything like me, and I know in this area that there are thousands of us, you are an avid follower of professional sports and our Philadelphia teams. You are also well aware of the heartache we as Philadelphia sports fans have had to endure in recent years, and some of your kids are growing up not knowing what it's like to get Playoff Fever or know what it's like even going to the finals. This is really unfortunate, especially because we are such a passionate bunch and want nothing more than a winner in this town. We are an area full of winners, rich traditions, and also great heartache. Being in the awards and recognition business, knowing what goes into championships, and the sacrifice and blood sweat and tears involved, I know it's not as easy as it looks to build a winner. It often seems, though, that things never work out even remotely close to as planned, as evidence with the Freddy Garcia debacle that is currently surrounding the Philadelphia Phillies ...