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Showing posts with the label imprinted shirts

Bux-Mont Awards shirt imprinting: a history

When we first started offering imprinted shirts it was becuase we had a machine that we were using for our recognition and awards business that also could be used to imprint shirts. The technology was not very good and we ended up scrapping the whole shirt imprinting until we started screen printing. At around the same time we became beta testers for another imprinting process that was a transfer process. This method worked a lot better than our old method and we were better able to achieve our goal of offering a greater product mix to our existing customers. With the screen printing and this beta-transfer process, we could offer to very different imprints at very affordable prices. Our screen set ups were the lowest in the area, and we were able to offer screen printed shirts for a low cost as well. This really helped our shirt business pick up and enabled us to grow our business while better serving our customers. Tomorrows post will be about our screen printing process, why you...