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Golf Tournament Planning continued

Now that you know who's running the show, it's time to do some dirty work. A budget is going to need to be developed and followed. A fine crafted budget takes a lot of stress out of the planning process and provides a roadmap to achievable objectives. The budget process is where you decide on entry fees, sponsorship fees, and where you will play. The location of the event, catering, and selection of awards and prizes all affect the budget. Also, you will want to take into account the amount you want to donate, rather than whatevers left at the end. Having a fundraising goal can help bring sponsors on board and create a buzz in print and online media. Another question that may get raised comes when you are trying to figure out the number of participants. On one hand you don't want to say no to someone who wants to play but you also don't want to be on the golf course for 6 or 7 hours. Printed materials cost money as well. Try to get a printer to subsidize part ...

Golf Tournament Planning Step One

The first thing you need to decide before you even begin is the roles and responsibilities. Who will be responsible for what? You are going to want to create a committee to keep focus on the tournaments goals and will bring the golf outing together. Typical Roles Needed Include: Tournament Chairman- the person with the vision. Expected to lead and provide guidance to the golf tournament. Honorary Chairman- Someone well known in the community to help draw golfers. Vice Chairman, Sponsors- someone who can focus on getting sponsors for the event. Vice Chairman, Event planning- Vice Chairman, Awards and Prizes- this person will be in charge of getting awards and giveaways to not only the golfers but to the sponsors as well. The committee chairman and the committee people will come from a variety of places, make sure they understand the objective and their place in the big picture. These people will be volunteering and should be recognized as such. Time is worth it's weight in...

Golf Tournament Planning

We all know the golf tournament season is coming, and some of you might have already had your first meeting. Others may be thinking about starting up a golf tournament and not know where to start. While we don't think your first step should be planning the awards, we know that it shouldn't wait until the last meeting the night before your event either. Bux-Mont Awards is here to help. One of our promotional products suppliers has put together a golf giveaways and awards catalog in print and online to help you with your golf tournament needs. We will be publishing tips from the Tournament Planner here on this blog to help you with your golf tournament needs. Of course we hope that you will be thankful enough for the planning aid that you will want to try us for your tournaments awards and promotional products needs. And if you can't wait for these posts you can also read over the full version here .

Blog feature product shopping

We will be rolling out a great new service in the next couple of days. When we do a product feature on our blog, we will be putting it into a shopping gadget that will be embedded on our blog. This will show up in the post for the featured product as well as on the side of the blog. This will enable those of you with a google account to easily purchase products right from this page! Hopefully this helps make it easier for you to try Bux-Mont Awards for your trophy and recognition needs so you can see how great the products are this company has! The featured product shopping gadget!