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Thursday 4/3 Harleysville Updates

This Thursday, Bux-Mont Awards Harleysville store will be closing at 1:30 in order to attend the North Penn Chamber of Commerce Business Fair 2008 . If you need immediate assistance please contact me, Dan Bencsik at 215.701.4652. When calling this number you will be asked to leave your name and then be put on hold while the service contacts both the Harleysville and Sellersville stores as well as my cell phone. You are sure to get a human voice when you call that number and thats how we like it! I suggest anyone who can to come to the North Penn Business Fair . It looks like a good one! Thanks for your understanding and I look forward to giving you updates!

This Saturday

Bux-Mont Awards will be attending an Open House after work this Saturday April 5 in order to keep our employees up to date on the latest and greatest recognition products in the industry. Our trade organization bailed on their east coast show, so unfortunately, in a cost saving measure, we were unable to attend their national show in Las Vegas. Fortunately for us our suppliers care enough to gather us together to keep us educated. We like education. We like to assure our customers that we have the know how it takes to ensure their needs our met. We pride ourselves on our knowledge, and we look forward to showing you we have what it takes to meet your trophies and awards needs! Dan Bencsik is sales manager at Bux-Mont Awards a recognition company serving its customers since 1991.

New banana brain award

Bux-Mont Awards , a recognition solutions company, has instituted a new banana brain award for the employee who exemplifies the least amount of brain matter within the organization. Designed to encourage poor performance, the bananna brain awards sure to make people strive to achieve new lows. Don't let your employees poor attitudes go unrecognized, make them the next recipient for the bird brain award! oh and april fools! ;) Dan Bencsik heads sales and marketing at Bux-Mont Awards , the recognition right company

Soccer Season Is Here

Thats right it's starting to get to that time of year! Sign-ups are starting and teams are forming. Lets not forget the many lessons kids learn and the vast amount of exercise they get from their participation in youth sports. Success at a young age isn't measured in the wins column, but in the amount of energy exerted and the many life lessons that come with both the wins and losses. While many of us are busy, and these times are trying, it is important to remember to take time to do something you enjoy. That said, there is much to enjoy about volunteering for your childrens youth sports organizations. Even a couple hours at the snack stand goes a long way in helping the overall welfare of the organization. Kids and parents alike have much to gain through participation in youth sports. You can meet great people who become lifetime friends. These people, through their volunteering, truly inspire and change lives. Get out and volunteer your time, you won't be disspoi

Top Five Reasons to Shop Local

Shopping local has a big impact on the local economy and your neighbors wellfare. Being a primarily local business, we continue to rely on community support for most of our business. So enjoy shopping local and read the top five reasons below (from the NFIB): Support the country's leading job creators. Small businesses make up 99.7 percent of all U.S. employers. Over the past decade, small business net job creation fluctuated between 60 and 80 percent. In the most recent year with data (2003), employer firms with fewer than 500 employees created 1,990,326 net new jobs, whereas large firms with 500 or more employees shed 994,667 net jobs. Small-business owners are community leaders. Most small-business owners spend their entire year contributing to their communities – what a perfect time to show them how much they are appreciated. Eighty-three percent of the general public believes that local small-business owners contribute more to the betterment of their community. Ninety-one per

Websters Definition of Recognition

Websters definition of recognition 1.the action of recognizing : the state of being recognized: as a : acknowledgment ; especially : formal acknowledgment of the political existence of a government or nation b : knowledge or feeling that someone or something present has been encountered before 2 : special notice or attention Dan Bencsik of Bux-Mont Awards is a recognition expert striving to spread proper recognition in every way.

Physical Benefits of Youth Sports

Finally we have the healthy habits of starting your kids in youth sports. This is the final benefit in the series. We hope that as you read these you offer to share your ideas. Thanks for reading, hopefully you got something out of it! Healthy habits. Because sports increase an awareness of one's body and how it responds to different stimuli and circumstances, sports help prevent drug and alcohol abuse. Most athletes value what their bodies can do and want to maintain those abilities. Being an athlete also gives kids an acceptable reason for telling their friends no to drugs, booze, and other high-risk, unhealthy behaviors. (Of course, not all athletes avoid drugs and alcohol.) Dan Bencsik, Bux-Mont Awards