For those critics who think that awards and plaques are just dust collectors, there is proof out there that shows this information to not be quite correct. Incentive magazine cited research that says 47% of companies surveys use plaques & awards for their annual compensation programs. With half of businesses planning to utilize awards and another 13% using awards spontaneously that means that 60% of businesses that use recognition programs are using awards and plaques to recognize achievements. So they are not just dust collectors, t
hey are often starting points for stories that build not only morale, but connections to others in more ways than one. Retelling the story of how you got that sales award may not seem like a big deal, but to the person telling the story and the person hearing it, a bridge is being built that will connect these two for years to come, and that plaque on the wall epitomizes that achievement and is symbolic of the hard work and countless hours the person devoted to their organization. These symbols prove to people looking at them, that the person they are about to do business with is the right person for the job, and it achieves a comfort level that otherwise would have taken hours, days or even years to build. It is a certification of sorts, and brings peace of mind. All because of the company taking a little extra thought and time to do what it takes to make their recognition programs work. Plaques enable you to round out and compliment the gift cards, monetary compensation, trips and other incentives your company utilizes to make a recognition program a success. Awards reward and that is the bottom line.
As children are participating in their respective leagues we are going to highlight some youth basketball participation awards for 2009. These awards are altogether fun for the children and inexpensive for the adults. While they offer maximum enjoyment for the kids they offer maximum success to the youth organization giving the trophies out and also help out the bottom line. We all know that trophies and recognition items in general are given to recognize achievements. This is true for champion and runner up trophies at tournamnets and youth participation trophies at the intramural level. As kids are learning it is easy for them to get frustrated. Children all grow and develop at different speeds. Good coaches recognize this and implement and work on building the skill areas each child needs most. Participation trophies recognize the achievement that is unduring a season of intramural sports and the many peaks and valleys it offers the children who participate. This coming week, ...