This is Bux-Mont Awards’ 20th year in business and we are currently brainstorming different ways to recognize all the great support we have gotten from our current customers. At the same time we want new people to visit our store to see the ways recognition works for them. We are more than a trophy store, we are a trophy store and more. We do recognition and we do it right.
Many think we are just a trophy shop, but we are also engravers, promotional product solutions provider, and recognition and memorial signage specialists. These all fall under the recognition umbrella that really is at the core of our business.
We help people recognize achievements, recognize brands, and recognize organizations. There is much recognition to be had in this world and it is way more than the plaques and trophies that you and I are used to. Recognizing achievements can be for five year of service or for a team getting finished a project early. It takes many forms and shapes and this blog is to help you recognize the achievements around you, both big and small.