Being a small business on main st. we know how the big box shoppers really take something away from the small town atmosphere, but we also know what a little hard work and perseverance does. Together with your help Main St. small businesses make up the fabric of a small town. We create jobs, share stories and make small towns right. Shopping on Main St provides the community backbone that the big box lacks.
Main St. needs you, the customer, the townspeople, to realize that you are the only way that we are here. You are the reason we exist and your patronage is greatly appreciated. You are who we thank sitting around the table when we get ready to eat.
With each experience we share with you and each person you tell about it, we are eternally grateful and it is absolutely necessary for without that one transaction and it's ensuing feelings, we would not be around.
So please think of us when you are looking for that perfect something for your loved ones, because we might just have it. While there are only three retail gift stores in town here, we also have some great eating, some awesome community hang outs, one great theater, and our retail shops are unique and awesome. We will share a story with you while helping you find that perfect gift.
Skip the mall and things remembered and remember where that local trophy shop is because we also do engraving, and will engrave on just about anything. We also do personalized gifts right, and have diversified our manufacturing capabilities to bring you just the right gift or decoration.
So please check out the town this December 1st during our Winterfest and please visit the Lily's Pad gift boutique and coffee cafe, The Copper Partridge, and Bux-Mont Awards for this seasons gift giving needs.