About.com's article on employee recognition is a good one. This is the one area where Bux-Mont Awards sales has fallen off. With the financial meltdown came fear. A fear that halted the stock market and a fear that skittered through the banks so fast it brought lending to a halt. This fear cost many people their jobs, and it cost many people their businesses and livelihoods.
While answers are waiting to be found a fear persists. People know that changes need to be made, and many are doing just that. Paying down credit cards, saving more, searching for greater and greater deals, peoples habits are changing.
But that doesn't change the fact that people need to be recognized. When business go through massive layoffs, or even small layoffs it fuels this fear I was just telling you about. This is a reason, in downturns in the economy, why you need to utilize recognition to show your employees appreciation.
Because it works.
Lets face it, businesses don't have the budgets anymore to give big bonuses, and in many cases they aren't giving bonsuses at all. Some have cut out their budgets for awards programs and others haven't been meeting their goals which doesn't warrant their traditional sales awards programs.
My advice to them: Do something different! Find a reason to recognize achievement. When done right (ask the professionals) it can have profound effects on your organization. People need meaning in their lives, and commitment to recognizing their achievements and giving them the meaning they seek in their jobs will get you an employee for life. These associations and bonds being formed will stay with the company and increase brand equity and bring greater increases in worth to the company.
It really works, and our being around for 20 years is a testament to that. We see the results first hand in the form of repeat customers and community feedback. It really is a neat thing to be a part of.
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