Someone asked what trophy dudes were the other day, and while they are hard to explain, they are undoubtedly the coolest thing to hit the trophy market in sometime. There hasn't been a trophy this well received since the children wanted the second place tournament trophies because they were the bobble heads and first place was a bigger heavier trophy!
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So without further ado, check out our soccer trophy dudes!

This trophy figure coupled with the new spinning riser is a great way to recognize childrens travel tournament winners, and also youth league champions. Give the children these and watch their eyes light up with joy! Plenty of moving parts to play with and enjoy for countless hours.
They will truly appreciate the hard work they put into the season with these trophies!
Leave questions and trophy dudes stories in the comments section!
Call Bux-Mont Awards with any questions at 215.257.5432
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